Over the years our mission work has appeared in many forms – from housing Cambodian refugees in our parish house until they got settled to supporting two young parishioners, Sarah Branch and Nell Todd, in their Peace Corps work in Namibia and Ghana.
Mafi Dove, Ghana

Mafi Dove, has remained an important mission since 1997 – with our support going to many different projects. We have sent clothing to help raise funds for a kindergarten, as well as raised funds to pay for pumps for clean water, household latrines, and fielding a soccer team. A delegation from St. John’s in 2010 brought laptops to create a computer lab in the junior high school.
Guatemalan Medical Mission

Bob Harris and Thomas Kreek travel bi-annually to a small village in Guatemala to offer nursing care and bring much-needed medical supplies.
This ministry is supported by St. John’s and by the Global MissionTeam of our diocese.

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