When a woman is released from prison, she has the clothes on her back and a small stipend for transportation. This ministry provides a backpack filled with the basics for personal care, food and a hand-written note from a member of the community. 

LOVE in a Backpack video produced in 2019

How to get involved:

Come to a backpack filling event.
St. John’s Corner House 469 Main St. Ashfield, MA

Show the video to your stakeholders

Purchase items directly from our wish list

Contribute backpacks and items to fill them

We are deeply grateful for your generosity. Your support of this vital mission will have an immeasurable impact on the lives of so many.
Thank you!

Send packages to:
Love in a Backpack
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Box 253
469 Main Street
Ashfield, MA 01330

  • Brush and comb (or hair pick)
  • Shampoo & conditioner (full size)
  • Soap bar & hand sanitizer
  • Lotion
  • Wipes
  • Tissue packs
  • Lip balm
  • Small Flashlight
  • Face Masks
  • Mouthwash (nonalcohol)
  • Deodorant
  • Tampons and pads (regular & liners)
  • Washcloth and small towel
  • Small soft doll or stuffed animal
  • Hair bands/clips/pins
  • Floss
  • Winter Hats
  • Emergency Space Blanket

Reach out to program coordinator Jenny Wildermuth

If your device is not set up to email from a link, copy the following address into the ‘to’ line of an email: luvinabackpack@gmail.com

Here’s the story…

This ministry of compassion began with an idea. Nell Todd, in her work for Deloitte, assessed the needs of those leaving incarceration. When we heard how important the first days are in this transition, and how under-supported women, in particular, tend to be, we began filling backpacks with much-needed items and including a note of support for women released from the Western Massachusetts Regional Women’s Correctional Center in Chicopee. Deloitte has continued to support the program over the ensuing years.

An initial grant from the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts and a grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts, the project has stabilized and expanded to several Episcopal congregations and ecumenical partners.

The Franklin County Transition from Jail to Community Task Force (TJC) partners with St. John’s Church in Ashfield by filling backpacks and supplies for women and men who are being released from the Franklin County Jail.

Gift cards and financial donations can be mailed to: St. John’s Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 253, Ashfield, MA 01330. Write “TJC Backpack Project” on the memo line.

Members of the Franklin County Transition from Jail to Community Task Force (TJC) meet to fill backpacks in a Covidsafe outdoor location (Green River Recreation Area, Greenfield) in 2021. Click here for Greenfield Recorder’s story about it.

How to start LOVE in a Backpack in your congregation:

  • See sample list of items needed for backpacks
  • Join us in a backpack filling party, or fill your own packs for St. John’s correctional facility partners
  • OR, find a a facilty to partner with in your area
Program Coordinator Jenny Wildermuth

Questions? Contact Jenny Wildermuth, Program Coordinator

If your device is not set up to email from a link, copy the following address into the ‘to’ line of an email: luvinabackpack@gmail.com

Send packages to:
Love in a Backpack
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Box 253
469 Main Street
Ashfield, MA 01330