We have a team ministry at St. John’s.
For nearly a decade St. John’s has enjoyed a vibrant team ministry. The co-wardens and vestry team are the legal and pastoral leaders of the community. As a mission church we enjoy a special relationship with our bishop, the Rt. Rev. Douglas J. Fisher who assigns a vicar based on the recommendation of the vestry. The vicar is a member of the vestry and has particular areas of concern: liturgy, pastoral care, ongoing formation and the administration of the sacraments.

- Vicar: St. John’s is in a search for the next vicar
- Co-Senior Wardens: Susan Todd – todd_susan[at]msn.com
Sue Craft – susananncraft[at]gmail.com - Junior Warden: Maddy Roberts
- Clerk: Lynnette Leidy Sievert
- Treasurer: Raven Harris
- Vestry Members: Kevin Blanchard, Lucinda Brown, Darlene Monds, Kay Spencer, Jane Wagener, Andrew Wickline
- Organist: Duane Nyman
- Madrigal Singers Director: Julie Meservey
- Prayer Shawl Ministry: Kristen Wickline
- Licensed Lay Preacher: Bob Harris, Andrew Wickline, Elle Morgan
- Licensed Worship Leaders: Andrew Wickline, Kristen Wickline, Sue Craft
- Parish Administrator: Lis Henry – stjohnsashfield[at]gmail.com
- Financial Administrator: Amy Murray – amy[at]redgatefarm.org
- Sexton: John Wickline
Lis Henry, Parish Administrator, lives in Ashfield with her daughter on their farm. She has an extensive background in design and graphics. Her daughter, Maddy, is our Junior Warden.
Amy Murray, our financial administrator, lives and works at Red Gate Farm. She also works for a plant nursery specializing in woodland wildflowers. She enjoys dancing with the local Hilltown Folk Rock Dance group, gardening, and spending time outside with her two children.
Duane Nyman, our church organist, joined us in the summer of 2018 and being part of our staff in January 2019. Duane is an accomplished musician and the owner of Pioneer Valley Piano Tuning and Restoration. He earned the Bachelor of Music degree at Longy School of Music in Cambridge and Emerson College. Duane came to Western Massachusetts in 1973 and began tuning pianos at Smith College which he continues to this day. He and his wife, Anne, live in South Deerfield.
John Wickline, our sexton, cares for our beautiful 19th century church and The Corner House, across the street.